Bug ID 1043157: BIG-IQ Snapshots fail

Last Modified: Dec 07, 2023

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ Config Mgmt Infrastructure(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:,, 8.0.0,

Opened: Aug 26, 2021

Severity: 3-Major


BIG-IQ Snapshot with the following error: $ grep 'SocketTimeoutException' /var/log/restjavad* [ERROR][.....][/cm/shared/esmgmt/es-snapshot-task/...../worker ESSnapshotTaskWorker] Data Collection snapshot failed. java.net.SocketTimeoutException


BIG-IQ Snapshots on external storage fails.


This occurs when data collection is extremely slow to respond to Snapshot requests.


You can also apply a workaround to bypass this problem temporarily. This workaround can only be applied on BIG-IQ devices 8.0.0 and greater. Take the following steps 1. Find the maximum time snapshots take in the current state of Elasticsearch. You can run following API on BIG-IQ to find the time taken by various instances of snapshot schedule named 'mysnapshotschedulename' #curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/snapshots/backup/?v" | grep -i "mysnapshotschedulename" % Total - Time Time Current Total mysnapshotnameversionxxx_202x-xxxxxz SUCCESS 1587335164 06:26:14 06:27:44 3h Find the maximum time by looking at the 'Time' column. In above example the snapshot took 3 hours ("3h") 2. Decide on a max ceiling to be used for the workaround. If a snapshot is taking 3 hours to complete you can choose 3.5 hours. Now calculate the value in milliseconds. 3.5 hrs = 210 minutes = 12600 seconds = 12600000 milliseconds. 3. Open /var/config/rest/config/restjavad.properties.json in a text editor 4. Set the following two properties. You need to set the value of below properties in milliseconds. NOTE: These values are case-sensitive. Both properties need to be set in order for the workaround to be effective. Below is the snippet for above example "apacheAsyncClient" : { ... "socketTimeoutMillis": "12600000" }, "elasticSearch" : { "esRestOperationTimeoutMillis": "12600000" }, 5. Restart BIG-IQ and test by manually triggering a Snapshot

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