Bug ID 1046765: Tenant Data path will not work correctly on downgrade to controller version 1.1.x

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
F5OS Install/Upgrade, Velos(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
F5OS-C 1.1.4, F5OS-C 1.2.1

Fixed In:
F5OS-C 1.3.0, F5OS-C 1.2.2

Opened: Sep 14, 2021

Severity: 3-Major


After a system controller downgrade to version 1.1.x, the tenant datapath will not operate correctly.


The tenant will launch correctly, but the datapath will be broken because of a dma-agent protocol mismatch.


The KubeVirt software version does not downgrade to the correct KubeVirt software version needed in the 1.1.x controller release.


1. In one root command shell window, run this command to delete the current version of KubeVirt software pods. [root@controller-2 ~]# oc delete -f /tmp/omd/scripts/kubevirt-velos.yaml 2. In another root command shell window, run this command to clear the KubeVirt namespace and install the new version of KubeVirt pods. [root@controller-2 kubevirt]# /usr/share/omd/kubevirt/omd-kubevirt-velos-install.sh /usr/share/omd/kubevirt/

Fix Information

The tenant datapath should now work properly after a downgrade.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips