Bug ID 1196017: Kube-flannel stuck in ImagePullBackOff status due to wrong port or tag

Last Modified: Jan 18, 2025

Affected Product(s):
F5OS None(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
F5OS-A 1.3.2, F5OS-A 1.3.1, F5OS-A 1.3.0, F5OS-A 1.2.0, F5OS-A 1.1.1

Fixed In:
F5OS-A 1.7.0

Opened: Nov 29, 2022

Severity: 3-Major


On the rSeries appliance, the tenant deployment fails as the kube-flannel is stuck in ImagePullBackOff status due to the wrong port or tag.


Tenant deployment fails.


The exact conditions are unclear but it is observed after the upgrade from F5OS-A 1.1.1.


1) Check the expected registry port for the current running image. Example: On an appliance running with F5OS-A 1.4.0 registry port found as 2004 (I could change on other devices) [root@appliance-1 ~]# ls -l /var/docker/config/platform.yml lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 52 Feb 13 13:11 /var/docker/config/platform.yml -> /var/docker/config/appliance/1.4.0-7488/platform.yml [root@appliance-1 ~]# [root@appliance-1 ~]# mount | grep "1.4.0" | grep "registry" /var/export/chassis/import/.mounts/services/R5R10/1.4.0-7488/volume.img on /var/export/chassis/import/.volumes/appliance-services-registry-2004-volume type squashfs (ro,relatime,context=system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0) 2) Check the expected flannel tag under the identified registry port Example: [root@appliance-1 ~]# crictl images | grep flannel | grep 2004 localhost:2004/appliance-flannel 0.13.1 0a69e5ee8f6ef 20.7MB [root@appliance-1 ~]# 3) Check the kube-flannel port under the DaemonSet in /tmp/omd/scripts/kube-flannel.yml Example: [root@appliance-1 ~]# grep -i "image:" /tmp/omd/scripts/kube-flannel.yml image: localhost:2004/appliance-flannel:0.13.1 image: localhost:2004/appliance-flannel:0.13.1 [root@appliance-1 ~]# [root@appliance-1 ~]# kubectl get ds -A NAMESPACE NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE NODE SELECTOR AGE kube-system kube-flannel-ds 1 1 1 1 1 <none> 40d kube-system klipper-lb 1 1 1 1 1 <none> 40d kube-system kube-multus-ds-amd64 1 1 1 1 1 kubernetes.io/arch=amd64 40d kubevirt virt-handler 1 1 1 1 1 kubernetes.io/os=linux 40d [root@appliance-1 ~]# [root@appliance-1 ~]# kubectl describe ds kube-flannel-ds -n kube-system | grep -i "image" Image: localhost:2004/appliance-flannel:0.13.1 Image: localhost:2004/appliance-flannel:0.13.1 [root@appliance-1 ~]# 4) Edit the DaemonSet of kube-flannel and correct the registry port or tag as applicable Example: # kubectl edit ds kube-flannel-ds -n kube-system 5) After editing the port or tag on the flannel DaemonSet, reboot the system and check whether the pod is starting or not.

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