Bug ID 1205409: Cannot export or download files from diags/shared/tcpdump path

Last Modified: Aug 01, 2024

Affected Product(s):
F5OS F5OS-A(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
F5OS-A 1.2.0, F5OS-A 1.3.0, F5OS-A 1.3.1, F5OS-A 1.3.2

Fixed In:
F5OS-A 1.7.0, F5OS-A 1.5.2

Opened: Dec 06, 2022

Severity: 3-Major


The diags/shared/tcpdump path gives access to the tcpdump files captured for system diagnostics. However, these files could not be downloaded from the webUI to the local system.


Unable to download tcpdump files from diags/shared/tcpdump path in the webUI. Hence, a user cannot access these files from the webUI.


- User generates a tcpdump file for system diagnostics - User navigates to the diags/shared/tcpdump path in the webUI and tries to download file, resulting in an error


Create /var/docker/config/platform.override.yml with these contents: version: '2.1' services: http-server: volumes: - /var/F5/system/shared/tcpdump:/var/shared/tcpdump Then, restart platform-services.

Fix Information

User is now able to download and export files from diags/shared/tcpdump path to any required destination without any errors.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips