Bug ID 1213185: ISO file not copied during clean install from USB DVD/CD-ROM device

Last Modified: Jul 11, 2024

Affected Product(s):
F5OS Install/Upgrade, Velos(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
F5OS-A 1.1.0, F5OS-A 1.1.1, F5OS-A 1.2.0, F5OS-A 1.3.0, F5OS-A 1.3.1, F5OS-A 1.3.2, F5OS-A 1.4.0, F5OS-A 1.5.0, F5OS-A 1.5.1, F5OS-A 1.5.2

Opened: Dec 26, 2022

Severity: 3-Major


ISO file is not copied over to /var/import/staging during a clean install with DVD devices.


ISO file not copied to /var/import/staging and importing any other image will cause problems with further upgrades or downgrades.


Clean install with DVD devices.


Explicitly copy the ISO file which ever used for clean installation to the device to the location /var/import/staging.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips