Bug ID 1217169: Disk full: Latest ISO is not getting imported

Last Modified: Aug 01, 2024

Affected Product(s):
F5OS Install/Upgrade(all modules)

Fixed In:
F5OS-A 1.7.0, F5OS-A 1.5.1

Opened: Jan 09, 2023

Severity: 1-Blocking


Not able to import images because /var/export/chassis LVM goes to read-only mode when the memory usage of this LVM exceeds 50%. The iso image is reported as saved but not imported. This LVM is created as VDO (virtual data optimizer) volume, twice the size of the physical partition size, so 50% of the LVM size is equal to 100% of the size of the underlying physical device (partition), on which this LVM is being created. When the LVM usage reaches more than 50% of LVM size, the LVM metadata is corrupted, causing this issue.


Not able to import images once the LVM /var/export/chassis goes to read-only mode.


The issue is seen when usage of the LVM /var/export/chassis reaches around 50% by importing more than 12 F5OS-A images on an rSeries 2xxx/4xxx device.


Remove older images from /var/export/chassis/import/iso/ using command below before importing/copying new images. appliance-1(config)# system image remove iso <old/unused iso version> or If it is not possible to delete the images using above command please follow below steps. chattr -i /var/import/staging/<old/unused iso> rm -rf /var/import/staging/<old/unused iso> In case the issue is seen (/var/import/staging/ becomes read only) the only way to recover the system is perform either pxeboot or usb install on the system.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips