Bug ID 1289705: MCPD always logs "01071323:4: Vlan (/<partition_name>/<vlan_name>:<ID>) is configured, but NOT on hypervisor allowed list" on F5OS tenant

Last Modified: Feb 28, 2025

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP F5OS, TMOS, Velos(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:,, 17.1.0,, 15.1.9,,, 15.1.8

Fixed In:
17.5.0, 17.1.1

Opened: Apr 17, 2023

Severity: 3-Major


An F5OS Tenant at startup may print a log to indicate that a VLAN configured on the Tenant has not been assigned by the hypervisor. For example: warning mcpd[7929]: 01071323:4: Vlan (/Common/vlan-999:999) is configured, but NOT on hypervisor allowed list. This alerts the administrator to a possible problem in the hypervisor or tenant configuration. The log can appear at startup, complicating troubleshooting and leading the administrator to believe a problem exists when it does not.


This is benign but misleading.


This is often noticed at startup, but may also be observed when: -- Adding vlans -- Restarting chmand (bigstart restart chmand) -- Other configuration changes on the F5OS hypervisor that may affect the tenant (e.g. disabling/enabling interfaces or changing trunk configurations)


The administrator can verify the log is false by checking the Tenant configuration (show tenants) on the F5OS hypervisor.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips