Bug ID 1293305: LAG interface status is not updated on the BIG-IP tenant

Last Modified: Aug 13, 2024

Affected Product(s):
F5OS F5OS(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
F5OS-A 1.4.0, F5OS-A 1.5.0, F5OS-C 1.6.0, F5OS-C 1.6.1, F5OS-C 1.6.2

Fixed In:
F5OS-A 1.7.0, F5OS-A 1.5.2, F5OS-A 1.5.1

Opened: Apr 27, 2023

Severity: 3-Major


Symptom 1: Trunk is down in tenant but the LAG is up in F5OS-A. Symptom 2: LAG is down in F5OS-A but the trunk is up in tenant.


Symptom 1: On r2x00/r4x00 platforms, as LAG will be in DOWN state, datapath will not be working. Symptom 2: On r2x00/r4x00 platforms, LAG status is shown as UP but it's actually DOWN on the platform. Datapath will not be UP, but as LAG is UP in tenant we expect Datapath to be UP. Symptom 3: If trunks are used for HA Group the scores associated to the trunks are not deducted from the overall health scores regardless of whether the interfaces in the trunks are up or not.


For symptom 1: 1. Set up new rSeries device. 2. Config static LAG and VLAN. 3. Deploy new tenant. 4. In tenant, LAG will be shown as down but interfaces shown as up. 5. This happens only at initial tenant deployment. For symptom 2: 1. LAG is shown as down in F5OS-A. 2. Trunk is shown as up in tenant.


For symptom 1: Restarting "system_api_svc_gateway" service on host. #docker restart system_api_svc_gateway For symptom 2: Restarting "system_api_svc_gateway" service on host. #docker restart system_api_svc_gateway

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips