Bug ID 1379625: Changing the max-age attribute in password policy is not reflecting immediately

Last Modified: Aug 01, 2024

Affected Product(s):
F5OS F5OS(all modules)

Fixed In:
F5OS-A 1.7.0, F5OS-A 1.5.2

Opened: Oct 13, 2023

Severity: 3-Major


Even after setting max-age value (maximum age, in days, after which password will be expired) less than 7 days, the warning for password expiration is not displaying at the time of next login.


Password expiration feature is not working as expected.


Set max-age attribute to less than 7 (days) and check if password expiration warning is prompted at the time of next login.



Fix Information

Fix is provided to sync the max-age value, updated from ConfD CLI, with the user's password expiration attribute in the /etc/shadow on the system.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips