Bug ID 1549757: VCMP guest offline due to crypto card lockup

Last Modified: Jul 11, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP LTM(all modules)

Opened: Feb 21, 2024

Severity: 3-Major


VCMP guest shows offline due to crypto card lockup. You might see log messages below: -- crit tmm3[15438]: 01010025:2: Device error: crypto codec qat-crypto00-3 queue is stuck. -- warning sod[8951]: 01140029:4: HA crypto_failsafe_t qat-crypto00-3 fails action is go offline and down links. -- crit tmm1[15438]: 01010025:2: Device error: crypto codec qat-crypto00-1 queue is stuck. -- warning sod[8951]: 01140029:4: HA crypto_failsafe_t qat-crypto00-1 fails action is go offline and down links. -- warning sod[8951]: 01140029:4: HA crypto_failsafe_t qat-crypto00-7 fails action is go offline and down links. -- crit tmm3[15438]: 01010025:2: Device error: crypto codec qat-crypto00-3 queue is stuck. -- crit tmm11[15438]: 01010025:2: Device error: crypto codec qat-crypto00-11 queue is stuck.


Traffic disruption occurs when a vCMP guest is offline.


Upgrading the vCMP guest to version, then back to version and rebooting the vCMP guest.


Rebooting the hypervisor resolves the problem.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

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