Bug ID 1566893: Config fails to load while upgrading from 14.0.x to

Last Modified: Aug 26, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP Install/Upgrade(all modules)

Opened: Mar 19, 2024

Severity: 3-Major


A few category names and descriptions have updates from Forcepoint, and incorporating those changes in 15.1.10 triggered this upgrade failure.


After the upgrade, the configuration fails to load with one or more "In url-filter" errors. 01070734:3: Configuration error: In url-filter {}...


Upgrade from the BIG-IP version where the latest category names were not present to the version where they exist with some additional configuration will fail the BIG-IP upgrade.


Remove the affected category names before attempting the BIG-IP upgrade.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips