Last Modified: May 29, 2024
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Opened: Jan 19, 2020 Severity: 3-Major
TMM CPU utilization around 100 percent under Security ›› Reporting : ASM Resources : CPU Utilization.
Wrong scale is presented and might cause machine's state to be interpreted wrongly.
No special conditions. Only viewing at the stats of TMM CPU in 'Security ›› Reporting : ASM Resources : CPU Utilization'. They will always be in wrong scale, but when the TMM has ~1% CPU usage, it will be presented as 100% CPU usage.
1. Backup /etc/avr/monpd/monp_asm_cpu_info_measures.cfg file. 2. Run the following: $ sed -i 's|tmm_avg_cpu_util)/(count(distinct time_stamp)|tmm_avg_cpu_util)/(count(distinct time_stamp)*100|g' /etc/avr/monpd/monp_asm_cpu_info_measures.cfg 3. Compare the backup file to /etc/avr/monpd/monp_asm_cpu_info_measures.cfg: Make sure that there are two lines modified, and that the modification is multiplying with 100 the denominator (i.e., actually dividing the TMM value with 100). 4. To make those changes take affect, run the following command: $ bigstart restart monpd
Dividing the TMM value with 100 to fit correct scale.