Bug ID 927993: Built-in SSL Orchestrator RPM installation failure

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP All(all modules)

Fixed In:
16.1.0,, 15.1.2, 14.1.4, 14.1.3,,

Opened: Jul 16, 2020

Severity: 1-Blocking

Related Article: K97501254


Attempting to install the built-in SSL Orchestrator RPM results in the following error: Failed to load IApp artifacts from f5-iappslx-ssl-orchestrator: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to post templates to block collection.


The built-in SSL Orchestrator RPM is not installed and SSL Orchestrator management is not possible.


In the BIG-IP TMUI, the BIG-IP administrator navigates to the SSL Orchestrator Configuration page. This would automatically invoke the installation of the built-in SSL Orchestrator RPM, resulting in the failure.


Step 1. Run the following commands in the BIG-IP command line: # Get ID for f5-ssl-orchestrator-dg-data: id=$(restcurl shared/iapp/blocks/ | jq -r '.items[] | select(.name == "f5-ssl-orchestrator-dg-data") | .id') # Temporarily unlink the "f5-ssl-orchestrator-dg-data" (id). restcurl -X PATCH -d "{\"baseReference\": {\"link\": \"https://localhost/mgmt/shared/iapp/blocks/$id\"}}" shared/iapp/blocks/$id # Remove all SSL Orchestrator block templates. restcurl shared/iapp/blocks | jq -r '.items[] | select(.state == "TEMPLATE") | select(.name | startswith("f5-ssl-orchestrator")) | .id' | for x in $(cat) ; do restcurl -X DELETE shared/iapp/blocks/$x; done # Remove the SSL Orchestrator RPM installation references (if any). restcurl -X DELETE shared/iapp/global-installed-packages/9beb912b-4f1c-3f95-94c3-eb1cbac4ab99 restcurl -X DELETE shared/iapp/installed-packages/9beb912b-4f1c-3f95-94c3-eb1cbac4ab99 --- Step 2. Use the BIG-IP TMUI: Log in to the TMUI and navigate to SSL Orchestrator > Configuration. This would refresh the related page and install the SSL Orchestrator RPM. Wait for the SSL Orchestrator configuration page to complete loading.

Fix Information

Built-in SSL Orchestrator RPM installation failure.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips