Last Modified: Sep 25, 2024
Affected Product(s):
Known Affected Versions:
16.0.1, 16.0.0, 15.1.2, 15.1.1
Fixed In:
16.1.0,, 15.1.4,
Opened: Oct 27, 2020 Severity: 3-Major
The logintegrity script used to rotate the signature files for restnoded results in frequent cron errors similar to: find: '14232restnoded_log_pattern': No such file or directory.
If the logintegrity script runs, the signature files for restnoded will not be in sync.
When the logintegrity script runs.
Modify the script file /usr/bin/rest_logintegrity: 1. mount -o remount,rw /usr 2. cp /usr/bin/rest_logintegrity /usr/bin/rest_logintegrity_original 3. vi /usr/bin/rest_logintegrity 4. Replace the following lines: restnoded_log_pattern=/var/log/restnoded/restnoded.[1-9]*.log restjavad_log_pattern=/var/log/restjavad*.[1-9]*.log With the lines: restjavad_log_pattern=/var/log/restjavad*[1-9]*.log restnoded_log_pattern=/var/log/restnoded/restnoded[1-9]*.log 5. Replace the line: wc_restnoded=$(find $$restnoded_log_pattern -cnewer $filename | wc -l) With the line: wc_restnoded=$(find $restnoded_log_pattern -cnewer $filename | wc -l) 6. mount -o remount,ro /usr
When logintegrity is enabled, signature files for restnoded log files are now generated and rotated.