Bug ID 1055309: Could not write JSON: Null key for a Map not allowed in JSON exception in appiqquery service

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ AppIQ(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:

Fixed In:

Opened: Oct 15, 2021

Severity: 3-Major


The appiqquery log in the BIG-IQ /var/log/appiq/queryservice.log has periodic warnings and exceptions with the text: "Could not write JSON: Null key for a Map not allowed in JSON" Additionally, BIG-IQ dashboards do not display the BIG-IP device's health.


BIG-IQ dashboards do not display device health statuses.


This can hapen when discovering BIG-IP devices and BIG-IQ is left with a corrupted configuration that holds all the discovered BIG-IPs. The following query from the BIG-IQ command line displays items similar to the following: curl -X GET localhost:8100/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices/devices ..... "items": [ { "kind": "shared:resolver:device-groups:restdeviceresolverdevicestate", "uuid": "b09f4af2-b1d3-4c72-ae75-d3f9593a85ae", "state": "UNDISCOVERED", "address": "", "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices/devices/b09f4af2-b1d3-4c72-ae75-d3f9593a85ae", "deviceUri": "", "groupName": "cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices", "httpsPort": 443, "generation": 1, "lastUpdateMicros": 1626741958467591 }, Unlike a BIG-IP with a successful configuration, corrupted configurations have the state "UNDISCOVERED" and there is no hostname field.


Delete the corrupted configuration (the items that are in an "UNDISCOVERED" state). For example at the "Condition" section, run from the BIG-IQ shell the rest DELETE with the "uuid" of the corrupted item: curl -X DELETE localhost:8100/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices/devices/b09f4af2-b1d3-4c72-ae75-d3f9593a85ae

Fix Information

This issue is now fixed.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips