Bug ID 1117597: Appiq logs are not updated or found when using BIG-IQ version 8.2.0

Last Modified: Jul 11, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ AppIQ(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:

Fixed In:

Opened: Jun 21, 2022

Severity: 3-Major


After installing or uypgrading to BIG-IQ version 8.2.0, the following log files are no longer updated or visible under /var/log/appiq: NOTE: health-calculator.log is not affected by this issue CM: configserver.log queryservice.log postaggregator.log DCD: *agentmanager.log


Appiq logs are non-existent or outdated in the /var/log/appiq folder.


Installing or upgrading to BIG-IQ version 8.2.0.


1. Go to the F5 Downloads portal(https://downloads.f5.com/esd/index.jsp). 2. Select Find a Download > BIG-IQ Centralized Management > 8.2.0 > Utilities. 3. Download the AppiqLogsWorkaroundID1117597.tar.gz file and transfer the AppiqLogsWorkaroundID1117597.tar.gz to /shared/tmp/ folder of BIG-IQ CM and DCD. 4. Extract the AppiqLogsWorkaroundID1117597.tar.gz on BIG-IQ CM and DCD and update the permissions. a. cd /shared/tmp/ b. tar -xzvf AppiqLogsWorkaroundID1117597.tar.gz c. chmod 644 agentmanager_log4j2.xml configserver_log4j2.xml queryservice_log4j2.xml postaggregator_log4j2.xml 5. Replace the files on BIG-IQ CM and DCD: a. yes | cp /shared/tmp/agentmanager_log4j2.xml /var/config/appiq/agentmanager/config/log4j2.xml b. yes | cp /shared/tmp/configserver_log4j2.xml /var/config/appiq/configserver/config/log4j2.xml c. yes | cp /shared/tmp/queryservice_log4j2.xml /var/config/appiq/queryservice/config/log4j2.xml d. yes | cp /shared/tmp/postaggregator_log4j2.xml /var/config/appiq/postaggregator/config/log4j2.xml 6. Restart restjavad for the configurations to take effect on BIG-IQ CM and DCD: a. tmsh restart sys service restjavad 7. Once restarted confirm if the below logs are generated in /var/log/appiq/ a. For BIG-IQ CM: i. configserver.log ii. queryservice.log iii. postaggregator.log b. For BIG-IQ DCD: i. agentmanager.log

Fix Information

Appiq logs are now available in the /var/log/appiq folder.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips