Bug ID 429349: Logging Profile configuration within DoSL7D is not updated correctly when modifying one publisher.

Last Modified: Jul 12, 2023

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP ASM(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
11.3.0, 11.4.0, 11.4.1

Fixed In:
11.5.0, 11.4.1 HF2, 11.4.0 HF4, 11.3.0 HF8

Opened: Aug 30, 2013

Severity: 3-Major

Related Article: K04025597


This may cause events to not arrive to the local logger, or messages to not arrive to the remote logger.


This may cause events to not arrive to the local logger, or messages to not arrive to the remote logger.


When a Logging Profile is already assigned to a virtual server, and "DoS Protection" is already enabled, changing only one of the publishers (either "Local Publisher" or "Remote Publisher") makes the other publisher to behave as if it is disabled.


Always change both publishers together. For example, disable them both, and then re-enable them both. Another workaround is to issue a "bigstart restart dosl7d" after making these configuration changes.

Fix Information

When a Logging Profile is assigned to a virtual server, and DoS Protection is enabled and configured to either a local or a remote publisher, changing the enable/disable status of one publisher no longer disables the other publisher.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips