Last Modified: Jul 13, 2024
Affected Product(s):
Known Affected Versions:
10.1.0, 10.2.0, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4, 11.0.0, 11.1.0, 11.2.0, 11.2.1, 11.3.0, 11.4.0, 11.4.1, 11.5.0, 11.5.1, 11.5.1 HF1, 11.5.1 HF2, 11.5.1 HF3, 11.5.1 HF4, 11.5.1 HF5, 11.5.1 HF6, 11.5.1 HF7, 11.5.1 HF8, 11.5.1 HF9, 11.5.1 HF10, 11.5.1 HF11, 11.5.2, 11.5.2 HF1, 11.6.0, 11.6.0 HF1, 11.6.0 HF2, 11.6.0 HF3, 11.6.0 HF4
Fixed In:
12.0.0, 11.6.0 HF5, 11.5.3, 11.4.1 HF9
Opened: Mar 14, 2014 Severity: 3-Major Related Article:
On a multi-blade chassis, tmctl leasepool_stat for some slots may not be in sync. In addition, query of snmp apmLeasepoolStatTable returns values that do not match the tmctl leasepool_stat output for the current primary slot.
Incorrect stats only. No impact to fuctionality.
The issue occurs after a blade or tmm of a blade restarts.
The system now uses the correct system object to track current primary slot, which ensures that counters in leasepool_stat that have global context (that is, cur_member, cur_assigned, cur_free, max_assigned) are synced to all blades.