Bug ID 511952: "No response from persistence layer" error when viewing "Session Tracking Status"

Last Modified: Sep 13, 2023

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP ASM(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
11.5.1, 11.5.2, 11.5.3, 11.5.4, 11.5.5, 11.5.6, 11.5.7, 11.5.8, 11.5.9, 11.5.10

Fixed In:

Opened: Mar 12, 2015

Severity: 4-Minor


An error "No response from persistence layer" is sometimes displayed when viewing the Security > Reporting > Application > Session Tracking Status screen, and the session tracking status is unavailable.


Session Tracking Status is not available


ASM provisioned Session Tracking enabled


To work around this issue, clear out all of the session tracking data points (or as many as possible), and prevent them from accumulating in the future. In order to prevent data points from accumulating in the future, set the blocking period to the default of 600 seconds (5 minutes) instead of 'infinite'. There is no option for clearing out all data points for a given policy from the Configuration utility, but it can be done from the command line. Run these two commands to clear out the data points of a specific policy. Apply this procedure to as many policies as necessary. In the following example, the policy ID is 13, but you should replace 13 in the following commands with the actual required policy ID. perl -MF5::ASMConfig::Entity::Policy -MF5::ASMConfig::Entity::SessionAwarenessDataPoint -e 'F5::ASMConfig::Entity::SessionAwarenessDataPoint->delete_many(dbh => F5::DbUtils::get_dbh(), policy => F5::ASMConfig::Entity::Policy->new(dbh => F5::DbUtils::get_dbh(), get_criteria => { policy_id => 13 }), master_keys => 1)' perl -MF5::ASMConfig::Entity::Policy -MF5::ASMConfig::Entity::SessionAwarenessDataPoint -e 'F5::ASMConfig::Entity::SessionAwarenessDataPoint->reload_session_db(dbh => F5::DbUtils::get_dbh(), policy => F5::ASMConfig::Entity::Policy->new(dbh => F5::DbUtils::get_dbh(), get_criteria => { policy_id => 13 }), delete_existing => 1)'

Fix Information

We changed the default of the Session Awareness Block All period from Infinite to 600 seconds. Also, upon upgrade, if Session Awareness is disabled, the Block All period will be upgraded to the default of 600 seconds rather then Infinite.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips