Bug ID 528056: VCMP: Large vdisk was unable to migrate in 15 minute timeout

Last Modified: Jul 13, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP All(all modules)

Fixed In:

Opened: Jun 15, 2015

Severity: 3-Major


A 25G+ vdisk did not complete migration from one blade to another within the timeout and was stopped.


The vdisk was not moved and results in the following message to /var/log/ltm: <date> <slot>/ltm err vcmpd[13859]: 01510004:3: Guest (<name>): Failure - VDisk migration process from slot [N] failed. Timed out after 900 seconds.


When an existing single slot guest is allocated to a different slot the VCMP host moves the vdisk to the new slot. This process is referred to as vdisk migration.


Increase the migrating timeout db var: sys db vcmp.timeout.migrating { value "2700" }

Fix Information

The vcmp.timeout.migrating was increased from 900 to 2700 seconds.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips