Bug ID 583600: Portal Access could send to backend application wrong URL query separator

Last Modified: Sep 13, 2023

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP APM(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
12.0.0, 12.0.0 HF1, 12.1.0 HF1, 12.0.0 HF2, 12.1.0 HF2, 12.0.0 HF3, 12.0.0 HF4, 12.1.1 HF1, 12.1.1 HF2, 12.1.2 HF1, 12.1.2 HF2

Fixed In:

Opened: Mar 28, 2016

Severity: 4-Minor


If any query parameters were added into request URL after being processed with F5 rewriting code, backend application could receive URL with wrong query separator (';').


Applications expecting '&' as a query separator won't be able to parse query part of URL correctly and may return an error.


This occurs on Access Portal, some POST request parameters may have a semicolon as a query separator and not get rewritten.


when REWRITE_REQUEST_DONE { # Replace parameter_name with actual name of parameter which is added after F5CH. if { [HTTP::query] contains {;parameter_name=} } { HTTP::query [string map {;parameter_name= &parameter_name=} [HTTP::query]] } }

Fix Information

Now requests to back-end server with query parameters contain parameter delimiters from original web application request.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips