Bug ID 615824: REST API calls to invalid REST endpoint log level change

Last Modified: Jul 13, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP All(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
12.1.0, 12.1.0 HF1, 12.1.0 HF2, 12.1.1, 12.1.1 HF1, 12.1.1 HF2

Fixed In:
13.0.0, 12.1.2

Opened: Sep 12, 2016

Severity: 3-Major


In Big-IP 12.x versions before 12.1.2 invalid requests to a REST endpoint were being recorded in the FINE level logs, making it difficult to audit when an invalid request to a REST endpoint was coming in. In version 12.1.2, the log level was changed to INFO so that these messages are more easily consumed by users attempting to audit the log.


Auditing the REST Framework logs is more difficult, requiring you to look at messages logged at the FINE level.


Any request made to an invalid REST endpoint will trigger a log message at the FINE level indicating that a request came in to an invalid REST endpoint.


Users can increase the log level of the REST Framework to FINE by making the following change to the file '/etc/restjavad.log.conf': Before: .level=FINE After: .level=INFO

Fix Information

This message is included in the INFO log level on BIG-IP v12.1.2.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips