Bug ID 622874: ntp leap flag remains at 11 even after clock is synced with NTP server

Last Modified: Jul 13, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP TMOS(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
12.0.0, 12.0.0 HF1, 12.0.0 HF2, 12.0.0 HF3, 12.0.0 HF4

Opened: Oct 15, 2016

Severity: 1-Blocking


Even when the system clock is synced with an NTP server, the leap flag continues to show 11. Furthermore, the status of leap insertion is reported as "ntp_adjtime() returns code 5 (ERROR)".


ntptime command does not function and returns an error on leap second insertion.


Running 12.0.0 base build and using an NTP proxy


This issue was not observed on 12.0.0 HF4, so install 12.0.0 HF4 or beyond.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips