Bug ID 626890: Portal Access: URLs in CSS image-set() function may not work correctly

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP APM(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
13.0.0, 13.0.0 HF1, 13.0.0 HF2, 13.0.0 HF3, 13.0.1

Fixed In:

Opened: Nov 04, 2016

Severity: 3-Major


Portal Access does not rewrite URLs in CSS function image-set() parameters. Browser cannot load corresponding resources.


URLs in image-set() function are not rewritten; hence corresponding resources cannot be loaded by browser.


CSS file with image-set() function or any of its variants, for example: .img { background-image: -webkit-image-set( "examples/images/image-384.jpg" 1x, "examples/images/image-768.jpg" 2x, ); }


Use iRule to replace non-rewritten URLs by rewritten ones.

Fix Information

Now URLs in CSS image-set() function are rewritten correctly by Portal Access. Several browser-dependent modifications of this function are supported as well: '-webkit-image-set', '-moz-image-set', '-ms-image-set' and '-o-image-set'.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips