Bug ID 627433: HSB transmitter failure on i2x00 and i4x00 platforms

Last Modified: Sep 13, 2023

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP All(all modules)

Fixed In:
13.0.0, 12.1.2 HF1

Opened: Nov 08, 2016

Severity: 1-Blocking

Related Article: K28240580


On the BIG-IP i2x00 and i4x00 platforms, tmm enters an infinite 'restart' loop after a 'bigstart restart' or 'bigstart restart tmm' command if traffic is actively flowing through the TMM. This is the result of an HSB transmitter failure.


Traffic disrupted while tmm restarts.


Traffic actively flowing through the tmm and you issue 'bigstart restart' or 'bigstart restart tmm'. Another instance occurs when syncing the datasync-global-dg device-group for an HA configuration on iSeries platforms.


Ensure all traffic is stopped before issuing the 'bigstart restart' or 'bigstart restart tmm' commands. Set HSB::failures_before_reset in /config/tmm_init.tcl to a high value, such as 1000 (default is 50) may resolve the issue, depending on the conditions this issue occurred.

Fix Information

TMM restart loop no longer occurs following 'bigstart restart' on i2x00 and i4x00 platforms.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips