Bug ID 664666: Regkey pool assignments from BIG-IQ v5.1 cannot be revoked after upgrade to BIG-IQ v5.2

Last Modified: Jul 12, 2023

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ Device User Interface(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:

Opened: May 14, 2017

Severity: 2-Critical


A revoke of a regkey pool assignment fails and BIG-IQ logs a message similar to the following: Failed to close audit record for device: com.f5.rest.common.RestWorkerUriNotFoundException: URI path not registered. Please verify URI is supported and wait for /available suffix to be responsive.


Regkey pool licenses cannot be properly managed.


This issue occurs when the license assignment is made in BIG-IQ version 5.1 and the revoke (or cleanup related to assigning a different license) happens after upgrading to BIG-IQ version 5.2.


The auditRecordReference needs to be updated for the license assignment. 1. Review assignments within regkey pools via: restcurl "shared/index/config?%24filter=(kind%20eq%20'cm%3Adevice%3Alicensing%3Apool%3Aregkey%3Alicenses%3Aitem%3Aofferings%3Aregkey%3Amembers%3Aregkeypoollicensememberstate')&%24select=auditRecordReference,selfLink" 2. In the response from step 1, review the auditRecordReference. Affected assignments will have a link that includes the string cm/system/licensing. This should be changed to cm/device/licensing -- the following steps describe how to do this. 3. The response from step 1 has a list of items. For each item, do a GET (start with the selfLink, change https to http, add port 8100, and remove the mgmt path segment): curl http://localhost:8100/cm/device/licensing/pool/regkey/licenses/05af08dc-93f7-426a-9691-113a1e46a2ae/offerings/Y8971-44137-22411-68390-0628740/members/c4becd2a-cff2-4955-b6c6-af720c338d00 4. Using the body from the response from step 3, change cm/system/licensing to cm/device/licensing and then save the changes: curl -X POST -d '{"id":"c4becd2a-cff2-4955-b6c6-af720c338d00","deviceMachineId":"319967de-3d02-42f6-ab0b-ea90870fd648",...' http://localhost:8100/shared/storage

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips