Bug ID 672994: tmsh show command outputting unexpected error

Last Modified: Jul 13, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP LTM(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:
11.6.1, 11.6.1 HF1, 11.6.1 HF2, 11.6.2, 11.6.2 HF1, 11.6.3,,,,, 11.6.4, 11.6.5,,,

Opened: Jul 07, 2017

Severity: 3-Major


When trying to use the 'tmsh show ltm virtual <virtual> detail all-properties' command for an iApp-recreated virtual server in a non-Common partition, and when that virtual server is enabled for ASM, the CLI returns an error similar to the following: Running the following tmsh command: tmsh show ltm virtual /partition2/created-app.app/HTTPS_vs detail all-properties. Reports the following error: 01020036:3: The requested GTM virtual score (/partition2/created-app.app/HTTPS_vs asm) was not found. Note: This error does not occur when the virtual server is not enabled for ASM.


Displaying virtual server settings from the CLI for some ASM-enabled virtual servers may not work properly. Depending on timing, the error should show up (depending on how quickly you make the changes, it may take several tries, to ensure that the internal changes have not yet completed). The system shows the following error: 01020036:3: The requested GTM virtual score (/partition2/created-app.app/HTTPS_vs asm) was not found.


-- Using ASM. -- iApp-created virtual server that is enabled for ASM. -- A partition other than /Common. -- Virtual server enabled for ASM. -- Running the tmsh command: tmsh show ltm virtual <virtual-name> detail all-properties. This might occur in the following scenario: 1. In the GUI, create a new partition/folder on the system (System :: Users :: Partition List). 2. Select this new partition for editing (top right of GUI, next to the Log out button) 3. Navigate to iApps :: Application Services, click the Create button, and specify a Name and Template (for Template, select f5.microsoft_iis, for this example). 4. On the iApps :: Application Services : New Application Service page, and specify a Name. - For 'What IP address do you want to use for the virtual server?', enter something appropriate. - For 'What FQDNs will clients use to access the server?', enter something appropriate. - There is no need to configure a pool, so for 'Do you want to create a new pool or use an existing one?' select 'Do not use a pool'. - Click Finished. 5. For the just-created Application Service, go to the Properties tab, Application Service: Advanced, uncheck Strict Updates, and click Update. 6. From the CLI, go to tmsh and run the command for the new virtual server: show ltm virtual <vs-name> detail. 7. In the GUI, navigate to Application Security. 8. Create a new ASM policy, and associate this new policy with the newly created virtual server. 9. From the CLI, go to tmsh, and run the command for the new virtual server: show ltm virtual <vs-name> detail all-properties.



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