Bug ID 720779: BIG-IQ UCS sizes increasing or BIG-IQ running out disk space in /var after frequent scaling activity

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ Applications(all modules)

Fixed In:

Opened: May 18, 2018

Severity: 3-Major


If the BIG-IQ system is managing a lot of SSG activity, it is possible to run out of disk space in /var.


BIG-IQ runs out of disk space in /var with an error or BIG-IQ UCS sizes continue growing.


This happens because the Gunicorn TCWs are leaving state data in REST storage.


To work around this issue, manually start the Gunicorn TCW purger using the following commands: # export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bigiq_orchestrator # /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bigiq_orchestrator/TCW_item_state_purger.py &

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips