Bug ID 743726: GTM virtual server status shows incorrect monitor IP address

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP TMOS(all modules)

Fixed In:

Opened: Sep 11, 2018

Severity: 4-Minor


If a prober pool is assigned to a datacenter/server/virtual server after the monitor for that virtual server has already run on a non-prober-pool-member, the virtual server status (tooltip or 'tmsh show') does not update to show that probes are being sent from a prober-pool-member.


The virtual server tooltip and results from the 'tmsh show' command display possibly stale information.


-- Prober pool assigned to a datacenter/server/virtual server. -- Assignment occurs after that virtual server's monitor has already run on a non-prober-pool-member.


Remove and re-add monitor to the virtual server.

Fix Information

Not updating this information is intentional as an optimization. Therefore, the fix is to remove the IP info from virtual server status to avoid potential stale information being presented. The information is still preserved in debug log messages, etc.

Behavior Change

Previously, the virtual server tooltip and results from the 'tmsh show' command did not update to show that probes were being sent from a prober-pool-member, if the monitor was assigned after the monitor already ran on a non-prober-pool-member. In this release, the tooltip and 'tmsh show' command do not report the IP info, so there is no possibility for presenting stale information or creating BIG-IP user confusion. Not updating this information is intentional as an optimization. The information is still preserved in debug log messages, etc.

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips