Bug ID 750785: Updating a VLAN using the WebUI on a 1-hyperthread vCMP guest returns an error.

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IP vCMP(all modules)

Opened: Nov 22, 2018

Severity: 4-Minor


Updating a VLAN using the WebUI returns an error similar to the following example (note that the internal interface number will vary): 01020036:3: The requested vlan_member (/Common/internal 0.6) was not found. The same error is also logged to the /var/log/webui.log file.


The changes you were trying to make actually take effect and are saved correctly. Therefore, you can safely ignore the error returned by the WebUI and consider this issue cosmetic in nature.


This issue occurs when all of the following conditions are met: - You are operating on a vCMP guest. - The size of the vCMP guest is 1-hyperthread (half a core). - You attempt to modify a VLAN (for example, to update its description) from within the guest itself using the WebUI. Note that even clicking 'Update' within a VLAN's screen, without making any actual changes, results in the issue.


There is no need to work around this issue. However, you can make the necessary configuration changes using the tmsh utility from the command line to prevent the error from occurring. Alternatively, you can increase the horizontal size of the vCMP guest to be at least 2-hyperthread (one core) to use its WebUI without errors. Note that if a half-core vCMP guest was sufficient for your needs, doing so you would be effectively wasting your vCMP host's resources.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips