Bug ID 839349: Boot-marker logline added not only to most recent files but also to older files

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ Platform(all modules)

Opened: Oct 16, 2019

Severity: 4-Minor


Syslog is adding boot-marker logline not only to the most recent files but to the older files as well.


This can cause confusion if the log files are being used for troubleshooting.


General use of BIG-IQ system for some period of time will result in log file rotation. Reboot the system after the rotation and the log files will get the boot-marker line added.


The log file configuration can be modified to zip the file once log rotation occurs. If this is done, the bootlogmarker.sysinit will ignore the files and will not add the boot-marker line. For example altering the '.log' format of the log files in /etc/restjavad.log.conf can fix the issue.

Fix Information


Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips