Bug ID 921025: Network security log profile changes in 15.1 breaks BIG-IQ import

Last Modified: May 29, 2024

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ 1UX Config - Security - Shared Security(all modules)

Fixed In:

Opened: Jun 25, 2020

Severity: 3-Major


New storage fields included in BIG-IP 15.1.x are not validated in BIG-IQ, which is causing import failures


Importing Network Security log with storage fields results in error message: restjavad.4.log:[ERROR][19 Jun 2020 09:18:34 CEST][/cm/security-shared/working-config/log-profiles/232543a8-6e3e-3e3a-a42c-d2c592d223d4/network WorkingProfileNetworkCollectionWorker] Validation failure: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format field value : dest_ipint_categories restjavad.4.log:[ERROR][19 Jun 2020 09:18:34 CEST][/cm/security-shared/tasks/config-copy/b16532b8-fd5d-431a-87cf-486ac566b9ad/worker SharedConfigCopyTaskWorker] Failed POST to target https://localhost/mgmt/cm/security-shared/working-config/log-profiles/232543a8-6e3e-3e3a-a42c-d2c592d223d4/network: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format field value : dest_ipint_categorie


Import Network Security logs from BIG-IP v15.1.x that include storage values.



Fix Information

This issue is resolved for BIG-IQ version 8.x or later.

Behavior Change

Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips