Bug ID 924885: Task failure with Error "Failed calculating configuration differences; reason: Difference operation failed" reported

Last Modified: Jul 12, 2023

Affected Product(s):
BIG-IQ Platform(all modules)

Known Affected Versions:

Opened: Jul 07, 2020

Severity: 3-Major


When TokuMX database records are duplicated, any tasks involving those records may fail, resulting in error messages similar to "Error "Failed calculating configuration differences; reason: Difference operation failed". Depending on what records are duplicated, the error message may contain additional data or be slightly different.


Tasks involving the duplicate record are likely to fail with error messages similar to "Failed calculating configuration differences; reason: Difference operation failed". These tasks will likely fail in the CREATE_DIFFERENCE subtask.


The trigger for this condition is currently unknown. If a BIG-IQ is suspected to have duplicate records, two mongo queries should be run to search for duplicates in the working-config and current-config collections using the following procedure: 1. SSH to BIG-IQ 2. mongo 3. use bigiqDb 4. Search working-config db.bigiqWorkingConfig.aggregate([{$match:{"_module":{$ne:"blablathisisnotamodule"}}}, {$group: { _id: {"_id": "$_id"},count: {$sum: 1}}}, {$match: {count: {"$gt": 1}}}]) 5. Search current-config db.bigiqCurrentConfig.aggregate([{$match:{"_module":{$ne:"blablathisisnotamodule"}}}, {$group: { _id: {"_id": "$_id"},count: {$sum: 1}}}, {$match: {count: {"$gt": 1}}}]) If a result of "{ "result" : [ ], "ok" : 1 }" is returned, the collection does not have any duplicate records. If the result contains items like: { "_id" : { "_id" : BinData(4,"Qqf2sdVLMACmniH6VXDeEw==") }, "count" : 2 } then the collection has duplicate records.


If the affected BIG-IQ is in an high availability (HA) pair, run the queries to check for duplicates on the other BIG-IQ and if none are found, promote the unaffected BIG-IQ to primary (if not already) and overwrite the affected BIG-IQ's database with the unaffected BIG-IQ's version. If the affected BIG-IQ is not in high availability (HA) or both high availability (HA) members are affected, either delete all database configuration and Discover/Import it or contact F5 Support to attempt targeted record deletion and re-import.

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Guides & references

K10134038: F5 Bug Tracker Filter Names and Tips